He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Carolina Rebuilding Ministry (CRM) puts faith into action by providing home repairs
for low-income homeowners in the northeastern North Carolina Counties of Bertie,
Chowan, and Washington by making homes stronger, safer, and healthier and providing transformational service experiences for volunteers.

CRM Services to Families
CRM currently serves North Carolina's northeastern Counties of Washington, Chowan, and Bertie.
Together with our teams of volunteers, we work with low-income homeowners to provide accessibility upgrades and repairs that target health and safety.
Typical repairs can include:
Wall & Ceiling Sheetrock
Wheelchair Ramp
Plumbing & Electrical
Contact CRM by Phone at 252-794-1206
or stop by our main office at:
819 Governors Road Windsor, NC
Application Papers PDF for Printing
"The volunteers were some of the most genuine Christians that I have ever met. They came to do a job and treated my mother and me as though we were paying them a million dollars. Words cannot express the joy that I feel, because the home improvements Carolina Rebuilding Ministry did for us changed our lives." Iris Sanders, Homeowner

Transforming Lives & Communities
In rural areas, community vitality begins with its people and is directly proportionate to their quality of life. In rural eastern North Carolina, low-income homeowners make up a large percentage of the population. Statistics also show that these same regions have struggling economies, rising healthcare costs, and population loss.
Residents living in substandard housing face the following:
Poor physical and mental health,
Children attain less well at school
The high cost of repairs prohibits building personal wealth or maintaining generational ownership of property.
Retirees and homeowners with disabilities face an additional financial burden when their homes require pathways and ramps to make them accessible. Without safe access people become housebound, and their emotional and physical health declines.
When homes are vacated, blight and decay spread further impacting neighborhoods.
Young people move away in search of opportunity.
Homes in disrepair see increased energy consumption.
Since 2011 CRM's experience with homeowners shows that when people struggle with health and safety because of substandard housing, their basic needs increase and involvement within the community decreases.
Our service model engages homeowners in the process by:
Involving individuals and their families in the repair process
Providing connections to other needed services such as healthcare, food, and transportation
Encouraging people to take part in their community and church
CRM's goal goes beyond home repair. We think of ourselves as a link towards developing a thriving community starting with people first.

"My heart is full of joy to have met such a sweet group of people. They are like family to me now. God blessed me with a back porch, windows, and the top step of my front porch is fixed."
Mr. & Mrs. M. Jones

"I am so pleased and happy with all of the work that you have performed in my home. From the roof to the floors, and my bathroom. You have blessed us so abundantly. May God continue to bless your ministry with every need that you have to continue to bless all those that are in need of your help."
C. Chesson & Family

"My heart is full of joy to have met such a sweet group of people. They are just like family to me now." M.Jones, Homeowner

Giving Makes This Happen
Since 2011 CRM has helped 505 families. We could not have done this without donations, grants, and in-kind labor from mission teams that travel from all over the eastern United States.
Word of CRM's impacts has spread and throughout 2021 calls for assistance from neighboring Counties prompted us to expand. At the end of 2022 CRM has 187 homeowners on the repair list. Our average income from fundraising can finish 60 homes per year.
The climate in eastern North Carolina is not forgiving to homes already deteriorating from rot and mold. CRM needs to TRIPLE their fundraising income to complete 187 safety and health repairs.
Funding goes towards materials, on-site construction management, equipment, reporting, and the much-needed administration to keep the mission moving forward.
"I am so pleased and happy with all of the work you have performed in my home.
You have blessed us so abundantly." C. Chesson, Homeowner
CRM Gives Thanks to Our Mission Teams and Volunteers

Carolina Rebuilding Ministry Partners In Transformation 2024

North Carolina Conference
of The United Methodist Church